Relationship Agreements


At Pippa Colman Family Law, we believe in planning for the future.  You probably have insured your car, your home and contents and your life.  Our legal team will be happy to draft a binding financial agreement for you so that you can ensure you know how your assets, superannuation and liabilities will be divided if you and your partner separate. 

Relationship Agreements can be agreed to at any stage: -

  • Before partners live together or marry;

  • During the relationship; or

  • after the relationship has ended. 

Entering into a relationship can prompt individuals to consider the future and take proactive steps to safeguard their assets and liabilities in case of a future separation. At Pippa Colman Family Law, we specialise in helping couples, whether married or unmarried and including same sex couples to enter into relationship agreements.  We can guide you through the process.

Because these agreements oust the jurisdiction of the Courts, it is essential that they are they are drafted in accordance with the provisions of the Family Law Act and that both parties obtain the necessary legal advice. 

For married couples or couples intending to marry, these agreements are known as Binding Financial Agreements.  While these agreements are often made at the beginning of a relationship or marriage, they be made at any time during the relationship or marriage. Different considerations apply depending on when the agreement is made and the reasons for the agreement.

For de facto couples, the agreement may be called a Cohabitation Agreement if made at the beginning of the relationship (what lawyers call “cohabitation”) or during the relationship, or a Separation Agreement/Recognised Separation Agreement if made after separation.

These agreements are complex because the legislation as to their requirements is complex, and involves meeting several legal requirements. Failure to meet these requirements means the agreements are not binding. At Pippa Colman Family Law, we can assist you by making binding agreement that protects your needs and interests. 

Contact us today to start the preparation of your financial agreement or to receive prenuptial advice about relationship legal planning.  Because these agreements are made under the requirements of the Family Law Act, which is Commonwealth legislation, we can help you if you live on the Sunshine Coast or elsewhere in Australia.

Our team of solicitors is here to support you every step of the way, and can assist you in the following areas:

  • Drafting Agreements (post separation): Negotiating and creating agreements that outline how financial matters will be handled in the event of a divorce or separation.

  • Drafting Agreements (before or during a relationship e.g. pre-nuptial agreements): Negotiating and creating agreements documenting agreed financial arrangements in contemplation of couples living together, getting married, or at any time during a relationship.

  • Review and Negotiation: Ensuring that agreements are compliant, comprehensive, and legally sound, and negotiating terms as necessary.

Contact us today for personalised legal assistance tailored to your needs.