Children & Parenting

Children &

At Pippa Colman Family Law, we understand the complexities of parenting arrangements during and after a relationship breakdown. The safety and welfare of children in family law matters is our paramount  concern. Our team provides expert advice and support to help you find the solution that is in the best interests of your  children. 

We can give advice to parents and carers of children, including grandparents and other family members.

We can assist with children's living arrangements, including advice and support about making and enforcing agreements. Our goal is to provide efficient and effective legal services for parenting plans or orders which empower families to deal with their children after separation with clarity and confidence.

If you require assistance with child parenting arrangements in families on the Sunshine Coast, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. 

We can assist in the following areas of a children’s matter:

1. Living Arrangements

  • Time with each parent: assisting to develop a schedule/parenting plan/consent orders that detail the time children spend with each parent including school holidays, special occasions and time during school terms. 

  • Modification of current arrangements: Helping clients modify existing arrangements due to changes in circumstances such as relocation, changes in the child's needs, or parental capabilities.

  • Recovery Applications: assisting with urgent Applications for recovery of children who may have been withheld.  This includes Applications where there are risks involving the removal of children internationally and where children may need to be placed on a Watch List. 

  • Third party Applications: assisting significant persons in a child’s life in spending time with a child, such as a grandparent, long term step-parent and other relevant persons. 

2. Child Support

  • Calculation: Using state guidelines to assist in the calculation of the amount of child support based on factors like the parents’ incomes, the needs of the child, and the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

  • Enforcement: Taking legal action to enforce child support orders when a parent fails to comply with payment obligations.

  • Modification: Assisting in the modification of child support assessments/agreements if there are significant changes in either parent's financial situation or the needs of the child.

  • Binding Child Support Agreements: assisting with an assessment of whether a Binding Child Support Agreement may be suitable for a client.  Binding Child Support Agreements can include provisions surrounding the payment of (or requirement of no payment of) periodic child support, schooling fees, costs of extracurricular activities, medical expenses and so on. 

3. Parental Responsibilities

  • Establishment of Paternity: Assisting in establishing paternity to ensure legal recognition of a parent.

  • Parental Responsibility: Advising on and helping to establish parental responsibilities and rights, including decision-making authority over the child’s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

4. Guardianship

  • Appointment of Guardians: Helping clients appoint legal guardians for their children in situations where parents are unable to care for them due to reasons such as illness, incarceration, or incapacity.

  • Guardianship Proceedings: Representing clients in court during guardianship proceedings to ensure the best interests of the child are met.

6. Child Protection

  • Child Protection Application: in cases where serious abuse or neglect is alleged and the department of child safety has become involved, we can assist with providing advice as to the options available for parents or extended family members who may be able to make an application to be a kinship carer. 

7. Relocation Issues

  • Relocation Requests: Assisting clients in obtaining court approval for relocating with a child, which often requires demonstrating that the move is in the child's best interests.

  • Opposition to Relocation: Representing clients who wish to oppose the relocation of their child by the other parent.

8. Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Mediation Services: Facilitating mediation sessions to help parents reach amicable agreements on children's matters without resorting to litigation.

  • Collaborative Law: Engaging in collaborative law practices where both parties agree to work together to resolve disputes with the help of their attorneys and other professionals.

9. Arbitration and Trials

  • Arbitration: representing clients in arbitrations and advising on when arbitration may be in a client’s best interests. This method is often chosen as a more private, flexible and potentially faster alternative than court litigation. 

  • Trials: a trial is a formal judicial process where disputes are presented before a judge who then makes binding decisions based upon evidence and legal arguments provided by each party.  

Contact us today for personalised legal assistance tailored to your needs.